
  1. D

    Pork Box

    Hey guys, since I've seen a couple others post I thought I'd ask nicely if y'all could give any advice/critique on my last pork box. One thing is this was before final wipe up of the sauce on the edges etc. Mainly curious about the meat itself and placement. I do know I over cooked the MM...
  2. S

    Really really basic question re: amount of food to turn in ++

    Hi. Great site. I had a really basic question about competition Q that I cant find anywhere. From my understanding each judge (about 5 of them) each get 5 pieces of meat in a box. So if each judge gets 5 ribs, and there are 5 judges, you need to make at a minimum 25 ribs. OK thats fine...
  3. D

    Judge my chicken box please

    I did my first comp at the beginning of the month and my chicken box was my very first box ever built (no practice boxes just practice cooks). I think for the most part I got ok appearance scores 8s and some 9s but just was wondering what those who have done this for longer may see. Thanks for...
  4. H

    Provided Turn-In Boxes

    It's 13 days until my first competition. It's an amateur contest at a local church. It's not KCBS rules, but I'm hoping you can help me figure something out. The turn-in boxes are provided by the officials. No garnish is to be placed in the box. I've asked, and I was told it will be a plain...