Competition BBQ secrets

The one thing that has helped us so much is trim at home. Then on fri nights we go eat, drink and hang out. Sometimes it feels like we are forgetting something, but really its just we are prepared!

This and this and more this. We've streamlined everything and pre prep so on the weekend we have very little to do. We have to inject after inspection, rub and put meat on. Other then that we have to build kale boxes and that takes about 45 minutes, so we do a lot of relaxing and making sure we are on our timeline. We also don't do any extra catagories as to not add any extra stress to that weekend. We started last year really keeping things simple and our scores and finishes have improved lots.
Ok.. let's be honest .. if you have a good thing going on why would you share your secrets ??? :) because life is short and you need to pass on your knowledge to the next generation:)

I'll be happy to share any competition tips I have learned when I retire from competing. Why should I give away good information that I paid good money for in the form of classes for free? I know this is not in the "spirit" of the Brethren, but I have spent a lot of time in trail and error to get to where I am now. I still have much more to learn about comp BBQ, but I'm not going to let anyone potentially beat me with my own recipes or tricks.
Probably not going to share everything. Depends on where I learned it. If it's trial and error I am open for sharing. Now If someone tells me secrets to help me I don't want to talk about it. Info from classes I don't like to share. To be honest it kind have has gotten murky as of late as I have gotten info from a lot of different places. I can share one thing I have learned that can help. Use the search for the forum. People talk. We all do at some point. Just a matter of digging deep in the archives. A thread sharing all of it in one spot not going to happen. Research is key and knowing what to look for. This forums archives are the most undervalued resource. Let me put it this way I know for a fact one of the classes I took one of their "secrets" is in the archives. I remember they even said that they wouldn't let it be filmed. Thing is they have it in our archives from years and years ago and it hasn't changed. They put it there a long time ago. My point being dig and dig deep. You can find it If you try hard enough. Google is your friend too. Also Q-talk is very educational in the archives. The archives are your best friend. Now here is the real catch some guys plant bull chit in the archives. Some of the stuff I spew out is true and some of it is bull chit. Its a matter of figuring out what I say is bull chit or the truth. For all you know my whole post is bull chit. Good luck figuring it out. Hope that helps... Or not. :) happy hunting folks!
1- Dont over pack. You dont need 3 shakers of the same rub or a cord of wood. Pack the bare minimum.
2-Prep as much as you can at home.
3- any and all rubs can win. any and all sauces can win. Learn to cook and you can win.
1- Dont over pack. You dont need 3 shakers of the same rub or a cord of wood. Pack the bare minimum.
2-Prep as much as you can at home.
3- any and all rubs can win. any and all sauces can win. Learn to cook and you can win.

Good advice. Especially #3. I have only been competing for a few years and my first year or so was rough. All I was worried about was what rub and sauce combo to use. Which injection to use. I didn't spend the time I needed to learn how to cook the right way. My advice would be to learn how to cook everything to the right tenderness. This will help you iron out your timeline as well. Then worry about which rub/sauce/injection combos work together. Once I figured out the cooking part everything else fell into place and I started to get my name called.
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Ok, I'll play along. There is only one real secret in competition BBQ, but it takes years and thousands of dollars to accept it. Ready?


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